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Zustellungsbevollmächtigt im Sinne des § 92 MStV:

radio.de GmbH
Mühlenkamp 59
22303 Hamburg - Tyskland

+ 49 40 - 570 065 150

radio.de GmbH
Hjemsted: Hamburg
Domstol: Hamburg HRB 102273
VAT-nummer: DE256833166

Administrerende direktør: Katja Ostrowsky, Bernhard Bahners

Ansvarshavende for indholdet: Katja Ostrowsky, Bernhard Bahners
© Copyright 2007-2024
radio.de GmbH

All rights reserved.

The contents on this website have been carefully verified and reviewed to the greatest certainty. However, we will not assume responsibility, nor will we be liable, for the legitimacy, integrity, availabilty and/or actuality of the contents and information. We will not be liable, nor responsible, for any damages incurred from use of information or data from our website, to the extent of the law. The radio.de GmbH (company with limited liability) contains links and references to other websites. The radio.de GmbH does not review the contents of external links, and will not be held responsible for the contents of third party websites. The radio.de GmbH reserves the right, without notice, to edit, complement and/or remove the provided information from the website.

Privacy Policy: radio.de GmbH strictly adheres to the regulations of privacy policy and only uses personal information, like e.g. name or email address for answering inquiries or process requests.

Onlinetvistbilæggelse iht. art. 14 afsnit 1 i direktivet om onlinetvistbilæggelse i forbindelse med tvister på forbrugerområdet (EF) nr. 524/2013: Europa-Kommissionen opretter en platform til onlinetvistbilæggelse (OTB), som du kan finde på https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/.

Juridiske forhold
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Generated: 3/28/2025 - 10:26:21 AM